Rob Crook, our Director of Chemical Science, explores the 3 CMC Challenges that can derail your programme's success, along with strategies on how you can overcome scale-up risks, complexity, and speed-vs-strategy pitfalls.
How expert route scouting and selection could save you time, money, and environmental impact.
Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2024
CatSci's Director of Chemical Sciences, Rob Crook, and Senior Scientist, Jean-Baptiste Vendeville discuss the current considerations needed when developing a synthesis for a HPAPI, as well as the challenges faced by these complex molecules, in particular ADCs.
Explore our interactive infographic to discover how you can leverage our process and tools to conduct a rigorous, objective route assessment that improves the scalability, efficiency, sustainability and quality of your synthesis
Discover our industry-leading route selection process and assessment tools.
Explore our interactive infographic to find out what you need to consider for each phase of development and get one step ahead with your molecule.
Discover how CatSci rapidly developed a robust and inherently safe process which enabled our customer to support their early clinical supply without surprises or delays.
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26, 5, 1398–1404
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26, 5, 1458–1469
General points to consider on solvent selection for scale-up
Access the recordings of our 10-year anniversary symposium now. The event was centred on the future of medicines development and featured industry-leading speakers from AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, DeepMatter, FogPharma, Merck, Novartis, R.I, Roche, Syngenta, and more.
Understanding their common decomposition pathways
Our CCO, Dr Simon Tyler, argues that to achieve true sustainability, a more holistic approach to overall drug development is needed.
CatSci's analytical team facilitated the development and deployment of an efficient and fast UHPLC method screening protocol.
Solvent Selection Considerations
The broader suite of computer-aided synthesis planning tools is increasingly catching up with chemists in its ability to establish the most suitable way of putting together a target active pharmaceutical ingredient.
Access the recordings of our second virtual symposium now. The event featured an impressive itinerary of three eminent speakers from industry, who delivered digestible 30-minute presentations, covering topics from high throughput experimentation in organic synthesis to separation technology and analytical science.
Development of a flow scavenging protocol
Dr Alan Steven explains why environmental sustainability and “big picture thinking” should be key considerations when selecting solvents for scale-up.