Digital Webinar Series – Voice Activated Digital Assistant In The Lab

Nov 23rd 2022
Digital Webinar Series – Voice Activated Digital Assistant In The Lab

CatSci Ltd are pleased to announce the second instalment in our Digital Webinar Series, with a free webinar entitled “Voice Activated Digital Assistant In The Lab.” 

This free webinar will take place on LabLinks on 13th December 2022 at 14:45 (GMT) / 15:45 (CET) / 09:45 (EST) / 06:45 (PST), with a 15 minute networking session to warm up with the community ahead of the event.  

This free 1-hour webinar will be hosted by Dr Sam Whitmarsh, our Director of Digital Transformation. Sam will be joined by some of the leading experts in the digital lab assistant space. 

Our expert speakers are:  

They will provide their insight into the unique benefits that voice activated digital assistants can provide in the lab, along with case study examples from pharma industry lab users.  

These innovative digital tools are revolutionising the labs and freeing up the hands of scientists to allow them to focus on what matters: their research and creating medicines.  

Come along to learn more about the present and future capabilities of digital voice assistants, and their role in the lab of the future.  

Earlier this year, we hosted the first session in our Digital Webinar Series, with a webinar on Computer Aided Retrosynthesis. You can access the recordings for that event here.