COVID-19 Business Update as of 25th March 2022
We would like to reassure all our small molecule innovator partners of some of our measures in place to continue safely enabling the progression of your drug development projects. A number of contingency measures have been implemented to mitigate both the probability and impact of a COVID-19 outbreak disrupting our ability to continue to provide you with vital tailored chemistry services.
Stock outs
To negate disruption, we are reviewing our inventory on a weekly basis and continue to build contingency stock where appropriate. In addition to mandated dual sourcing of critical raw materials, we hold a multi-week contingency supply of all PPE, materials, reagents and solvents deemed business critical. Moreover, additional materials are procured and stored on-site in secure storage facilities well in advance of anticipated research or manufacturing needs. We will continue to assess supply and usage projections on a weekly basis.
We are also actively monitoring our preferred and regular suppliers of chemicals and consumables (UK, Europe, and US-based) and do not anticipate any supplier issues. We have, nevertheless, identified a number of alternative Western-based suppliers as a further contingency.
Travel and communications
We are following and adhering to the latest UK government and WHO advice. We have prohibited all foreign and non-essential travel, and introduced home working wherever possible for non-laboratory staff to protect both our employees and facility in Cardiff, UK. Communication with both staff and customers remains vital at this time, and we will exploit TC/VC technology to manage social distancing.
On-site leadership will continue to be provided by members of the senior management team, coordinated through our newly established Coronavirus Response Nerve Centre that is monitoring the evolving situation on a daily basis to ensure that we continue to operate appropriately and in line with government guidance.
We developed a series of 360° virtual tours of our world-class facilities, as we recognise the importance of site visits as a key facet in building strong relationships with our customers. In these challenging times, we hope that this will enable you to see that CatSci is here to help deliver your crucial drug substance development projects. To start your virtual tour, please contact us.
To mitigate the risk of a major business interruption, CatSci has a contingency plan to utilise an alternative facility approximately 40 miles from our current location, which has the facilities to immediately house 10 scientists with full analytical support by NMR and LC-MS. Additionally, CatSci also has a second tier plan to use laboratory facilities for critical business at Alderley Park, Cheshire.
While we are at the beginning of a period of global uncertainty, CatSci would like to reiterate that we do not envisage any significant impact on our ability to deliver projects on behalf of any of our valued customers. We look forward to continuing our efforts to keeping the development of important therapeutics moving forward in such an evolving world. We will continue to work with our senior leadership on a daily basis to review plans and assess existing contingency measures – implementing any actions required to ensure continued access to our best-in-class process research and development services.
Contact us for further information