CatSci Celebrates International Day of Women In STEM

Feb 10th 2023
CatSci Celebrates International Day of Women In STEM

Friday 11th February is International Day of Women in Science, so we wanted to celebrate some of our incredible women in STEM that make up the CatSci team. At CatSci, we are proud to be a diverse and inclusive workplace that allows everyone to be the best they can be.

Read on to find out about some of the women on the CatSci team, and what it means to them to be a woman in STEM…

Dr Charlotte Dalton

International Day of Women in Science - Dr Charlotte Dalton

Dr Charlotte Dalton is an Associate Principal Scientist at CatSci. Charlotte studied for her MChem degree in Chemistry with Industrial Experience at the University of Manchester. She did a years’ placement at AstraZeneca working in process chemistry, before completing her PhD in Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry. She joined the CatSci team in November 2019 as a Senior Scientist, before getting promoted to Associate Principal Scientist in October 2021.

“For me, being a woman in STEM represents the freedom to be who I want to be and do what I want to do in my life. Across the world, many women and girls are restricted in their access to certain areas of education and working life – this could be anything from not having access to school or university, to being told certain careers are ‘not for girls’ – even if that is never explicitly said. As women in science, I hope that we show other people that STEM subjects and roles are equally suitable for people of all genders. By making STEM fields more diverse in all aspects, including gender, I believe we have the best opportunity to further the scientific and technical knowledge of society and to tackle the major issues facing our world, such as pandemics and climate change.”

Dr Sofia Papadouli

International Day of Women in Science - Dr Sofia Papadouli

Dr Sofia Papadouli is the Senior Marketing and Communications manager at CatSci, but her background has always been in science. She completed her PhD in chemistry at the University of Bristol, and then joined CatSci as a process development scientist. Sofia held this role for a year and a half, before making the leap to head up the marketing team.

“STEM is a fascinating field that you can grow and develop. A scientific background can open up many doors in different fields as employers appreciate that the skills such as analytical thinking and problem-solving acquired during a degree in STEM can be applied in any job description. At CatSci, the environment is unique as the company is so diverse. At CatSci, I feel that I have the same opportunities as my male colleagues. Also, I feel that there is no room for discrimination at the company and if a problem arises the company will take it seriously.”

Dr Elise Rochette

International Day of Women in Science - Dr Elise Rochette

Dr Elise Rochette is a Senior Scientist at CatSci. After completing her PhD at the University of Nottingham, she carried out a post-doc at the Seoul National University, then returned to the UK to do a post-doc at the University of Southampton. After a brief period at GSK, Elise joined the CatSci team in 2018.

“I am proud to be a woman in STEM and I cannot think of anything else I rather do. CatSci creates a supportive environment for women in science, I don’t feel like I’m being treated differently from my male colleagues which is all I can ask for. I’m hoping in the future no distinction will be made between men and women and we will both just be considered as scientists.”

Dr Jenny Wallis

International Day of Women in Science - Dr Jenny Wallis

Dr Jenny Wallis is our Business Development Manager, North America. She achieved an MChem in Chemistry, MPhil in Chemistry and an EngD in Biopharmaceutical Process Development, all at Newcastle University. She then moved to the Business Development field, and joined CatSci as a Business Development Manager in 2019.

“Being out and about in the business development field, I have come across a lot of discriminatory behaviour – one example is I have been questioned as to how I can go and speak to important CEO’s of companies in America because I’m “too little and cute to be taken seriously”. People underestimate my abilities because I’m young-looking. The best way to overcome this is to prove them wrong and keep on doing what I’m doing. My advice to young girls interested in going into the STEM field is go for it! You can be anything you want to be! If you have a love for STEM subjects get as much experience as you can to help you in your future. I’m very proud to be a woman in STEM, we are in such a fantastic field where we are constantly learning about new theories or new discoveries and how to make a real difference to the world – it’s really exciting!”

Beth Hindley-Rees

International Day of Women in Science - Beth Rees

Beth Hindley-Rees is an Analytical Team Manager at CatSci. She graduated from her BSc in Forensic Science in 2008, and spent five years working as an analytical scientist in a contract manufacture lab. She joined CatSci in 2018 as an Analytical Scientist, and worked her way to become Associate Principal Analytical Scientist/ Analytical Team Manager in 2021.

“Working at CatSci with so many experienced scientists has really inspired me. I feel so supported and know that with the breadth of knowledge my colleagues there is always someone who will be willing and able to provide guidance on technical queries. Never listen to anyone telling you that ‘you can’t’. You have the power to achieve anything if you believe in yourself.”

Dr Emily Callard-Langdon

Dr Emily Callard-Langdon is a Scientist at CatSci. Emily completed her PhD at Cardiff University in 2015, before working as a Scientist for another company. She joined CatSci as a Scientist in March 2022.  

“On a day-to-day basis, I don’t really consider the fact that I am a “woman in STEM”, which I see as a positive because it means I do not feel discriminated against or “othered” due to my gender. I do, however, feel more of a responsibility to share my experiences and encourage the next generation of female scientists in order to continue breaking down the stereotypes of the past, which unfortunately still sometimes show in today’s society. I think that with more focus on diversity and inclusion, women will become more aware that there is a place in the sector for them. Equally, companies like CatSci that offer flexible working to allow people to fit their career around their home life and responsibility will massively help, as it helps people like me who are both a mum and a scientist. 

CatSci creates a supportive environment for all its employees, regardless of gender. They take into account everybody’s specific circumstances and do what they can to make it an accessible and inclusive workforce. This culture is shared by all employees, everyone is so welcoming and understanding.”

We also spoke with Dr Simon Tyler, one of CatSci’s co-founders and our Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), about gender diversity in CatSci. He said:

“I am proud to be part of such an exceptionally diverse and talented team at CatSci. Gender is something that should never hold anyone back, and that is something that we celebrate in our company with our fantastic women in science.”

Our diverse and inclusive culture is what attracted many of our employees to CatSci. If you think this sounds like somewhere you’d like to work, then please look at our vacancies here.