CatSci’s Equipment

Key Equipment Type Brand Comment
Process R&D – Standard Amigo reactor Amigochem Sampling and dilution of materials taken from the Integrity 10 reactor
Antistatic kit universal Mettler Toledo To assist with the weighing of static materials
250 mL-5L jacketed vessels Radleys
20L jacketed vessels Labtex Used to produce specimen scale-up batches up to around 1 kg
EasySampler Mettler-Toledo Automated sampling and reaction profile monitoring, including air sensitive reactions.
250mL-5L filtration equipment Used for large scale filtrations under positive or negative pressure, with heat jacket and overhead stirring
Huber Unistat 360 Huber Used for heating and cooling reactors between 2 and 20 L from -75 °C to +200 °C
Huber Unistat 430 Huber Used for heating and cooling reactors between 5 and 20 L from -40 °C to +250 °C
Huber Ministat 230 Huber Used for heating and cooling reactors between 250 mL and 2 L from -40 °C to +200 °C
Heidolph Distimatic Heidolph Automated distillation & concentration of solvents, from 500 mL to > 20 L. Fully automated system, used mostly for large-scale processes
Chemicalize ChemAxon pKa, logP and 1H NMR predictions
Mya 4 Reaction Station Radleys A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling, software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry.
SP-50 dosing unit Mettler Toledo Adding solutions to a vessel with feedback control to other peripherals
Hot stage microscope Zeiss High resolution assessment of crystallinity, particle shape and size
Integrity 10 Allows 10 tube-scale reactions to be performed in parallel with independent control of stirirng and heating
JMP 12 JMP Statistical data analysis software
pH meter Hanna
Centrifuge Hettich
Cold plate Maintaining a constant subambient temperature for chemistry performed in vials
Crystal 16 Technobis Used to build solubility curves. 16 parallel screens in volumes 0.5 – 1.5 mL
DSC Mettler Toledo Thermal and thermodynamic stability of materials with autosampler
Distimatic Heidolph Automated distillation unit
ELN Revvity Signals Electronic lab notebook
EquaVAP Evaporator EquaVAP Used to evaporate solvent from vials in plates
Isolera Biotage Automated flash system
Karl Fischer coulometry Metrohm Detection of water content of samples
Labgear Lab automation software
Melting point apparatus Establishing the melting point of solids
Microscope Axioscope 5 Zeiss High resolution assessment of crystallinity, particle shape and size
MestreNova Mestrelab A suite of software to process analytical chemistry data
Polar Bear Plus Cambridge Reactor Design A heating and cooling plate that stirs and heats and cools from -40 °C to 150 °C.
RX10 units Mettler Toledo RX-10 chemical reactor control system that automates jacketed laboratory reactors to ensure excellent reaction control and data-rich experimentation
Seven Excellence pH meter Mettler Toledo A multi-channel benchtop pH meter for precise measurements of pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and ion concentration
TGA Mettler Toledo Measuring levels of loosely bound solvent
TSu HEL Fast screening of thermal and pressure hazards
VacMaster filtration unit Biotage Assessment of the filtration performance of parallel samples.
Zotero Zotero Reference management system
Vapourtec R series Vapourtec Flow reactor, pump, UV-150 photoreactor and autosampler
DynoChem Mettler Toledo Modelling software to enhance process understanding and develop scalable, robust unit operations quickly with reduced experimentation
Process R&D – OEB-5 EasyMax Mettler Toledo A 2-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling, software control and remote data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry.
Greenhouse evaporator Radleys Low footprint concentration of high hazard solutions within an isolator environment
VChamber MeltPrep Low footprint drying of high hazard solids within an isolator environment
Isolator CTS Handling of compounds with OEL’s less than 0.03 µg/m3.
Process R&D – OEB-4 Controlled Substances Box Used for keeping highly potent, pharmacologically active controlled substances. Keyholders strictly controlled & registered with Home Office; contents routinely audited to ensure compliance
Selekt and ELSD Biotage Automated flash system. ELSD allows the detection of analytes without a chromophore.
Huber Minichiller 600 Huber Used for cooling and heating condensers at lab scale reactions (-20 °C to +40 °C). Part of our green chemistry initiative, reducing waste water (estimated to save at least 100 L per hour for each system) as coolant is recirculated
Huber CC-505 Huber Used for heating and cooling reactors between 2 and 20 L from -75 °C to +200 °C
Huber Ministat 230 Huber Used for heating and cooling reactors between 250 mL and 2 L from -40 °C to +200 °C
EasyMax 102 Mettler Toledo Enables the development of small scale reactions up to 100mL and with heating and cooling between -40 °C and +180 °C. Allows for integration of process analytical technology (PAT) or calorimetric information which enhances understanding of the progress of the reaction.
Radley Reactor-Ready Radley Universal reactor work station with a range of easily interchangeable vessels from 250 mL to 5 L which can be configured to suit the chemistry and scale needed for each project
Mya 4 Reaction Station Radley A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling, software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry.
EasyMax 102 (including Optimax HFCal) Mettler-Toledo Enables the development of small scale reactions up to 100mL and with heating and cooling between -40 °C and +180 °C. Allows for integration of process analytical technology (PAT) or calorimetric information which enhances understanding of the progress of the reaction, potential risks and by-products, and is connected to a gas flow meter
ECB Box Mettler-Toledo Connects EasyMax to 3rd party sensors
Nutsche filter dryer Bachiller Enables in situe drying of filtered material, reducing the handling steps in a potent environment. Agitation also allows for in-situ slurry washing of the filter cake, allowing for better reporoduction of certain manufacturing scale capabilities
Tsu H.E.L group Used to screen different pressures and temperatures of a sample on the same platform
Filter dryer Powder Systems Isolation of highly potent materials
Hydrogen generator H-Genie Supply of up to 100 bar pressure of hydrogen
Isolator CTS Containment of highly potent materials
Agilent 1100 x 2 Agilent Walk up LC-MS, coupled to ZQ Mass Spec
Catalysis Glove box Mbraun 10 m3 Glovebox maintained at < 10 ppm O2, used for catalyst screening and sensitive reactions. Equipped with twin purifier system and 30 gloves.
Biotage Endeavour Biotage Used for parallel, multi-reactor optimisation of pressurised reactions (8 x 1-4 mL tubes, up to 30 bar pressure and 200°C)
HEL Cat-96 H.E.L group Used for high throughput catalyst screening in 96 well plates (96 x 200-1000 uL vials, up to 34 bar and 200 °C). Also available is the HEL Cat-7, used for parallel catalyst screening (7 x 3-20 mL tubes, up to 100 bar and 200 °C)
1L Buchi autoclave Buchi Allows for pressurised reactions up to 1L at 10 bar
Miniclave Drive (300 mL) Buchi A multipurpose steel pressure reactor system designed for use with interchangeable steel pressure vessels.
Pressflow controller Buchi System used to quantify the delivery of gasses
Cat 7 HEL 7 position reactor for manual catalyst screening
Cat 96 HEL 96 position reactor for manual catalyst screening
Genevac EZ-2 Biopharma Group centrifugal solvent evaporator system
LED aquarium lamp and controller Kessil Photoredox reactions enabled by blue light
Man on the Moon Monitoring hydrogen uptake in small scale hydrogenation reactions
Tumble stirrer Agitation of biotransformations
Parr hydrogenator Parr Instrument Company Used for high pressure reactions, handling volumes up to 600 mL
Analytical Science Metrohm KF Ti-Touch and Metrohm KF Titrino Metrohm Water determination by KF
Metrohm Coulometric KF and Thermoprep oven Metrohm Water determination by KF (samples unamenable to direct KF titration)
Fusion S-Matrix AI method development
Powder weighing cabinet x 2 Safetech Safety weighing enclosure for solids/liquids, to protect up to OEB4 (1-10ug/m3), containing 6 figure analytical balance
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC x 4 Agilent Used for process development. 1 x equipped with quaternary pump and Variable Wavelength Detector (VWD), used for chiral analysis.
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC-MS Agilent Equipped with ZQ mass spectrometer. Used for process development and optimisation
Agilent 1220 HPLC x 2 Agilent Equipped with DAD/VWD. Used for general project support.
Agilent 1220 HPLC-CAD Agilent DAD with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) for analysis of compounds with poor chromophores
Agilent 1260 HPLC x 3 Agilent Equipped with DAD/VWD. 1 x equipped with column switcher. Used for method development and project support
Agilent 1260 HPLC x 2 Agilent Equipped with DAD and Masshunter open-access interface, for general project support
Agilent 1260 HPLC-MS Agilent Equipped with 6150 mass spectrometer. Used for process development and optimisation
Agilent 1290 UPLC Agilent Used for method development and optimisation
Agilent 1290 UPLC x 2 Agilent 1300 bar, 6 column switcher allows high throughput IPC analysis using generic methods across multiple projects. Masshunter open-access interface and automatic vial disposal provides simplified and optimised sample submission
Agilent 1290 UPLC-MS x 2 Agilent 1300 bar, 6 column switcher allows high throughput IPC analysis using generic methods across multiple projects. Masshunter open-access interface and automatic vial disposal provides simplified and optimised sample submission. iQ mass detector allows for process optimisation
Agilent 6550LC/Q-TQF MS Agilent High Resolution Accurate Mass MS/MS instrument for Compound ID, analysis of large molecules (Oligos, Peptides, etc), trace analysis (GI’s and Nitrosamines) and complex mixture analysis
Agilent 6550 iFunnel Q-Tof LC/MS Agilent High Resolution Accurate Mass MS/MS instrument for Compound ID, analysis of large molecules (Oligos, Peptides, etc), trace analysis (GI’s and Nitrosamines) and complex mixture analysis
Waters ACQUITY I-Class UPLC-MS Waters Equipped with Triple Quadrupole Detector (TQD) and 4 column manager, used for rapid method screening, with open access software
Waters ACQUITY H-Class UPLC-MS Waters Equipped with QDa mass detector, 4 column switcher with open access software
Shimadzu LC20/30 HPLC Shimadzu Equipped with 6 way column switcher for rapid reverse-phase chiral screening system
Thermo Vanquish Duo UPLC-CAD-MS x 2 Thermo Equipped with CAD and DAD and dual pumps for reverse gradient. Applied to the quantification of compounds and impurities with poor chromophores
Agilent 7890B GC-FID Agilent Equipped with dual Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) and dual injector
Agilent 6890N GC-FID Agilent Equipped with dual Flame Ionisation Detector (FID), headspace sample injector
Agilent 8890 GC-FID-MS Agilent Equipped with a single-quadropole MS for impurity identification
Agilent 8890 FID-VUV Agilent/VUV Equipped with Flame ionisation Detector and Vacuum UV detector to allow analysis of trace levels including moisture, and solvents in a single analytical method
Shimadzu i-series 2050 x 2 Shimadzu Used for routine sample analysis (integrated with LabSolutions DCS)
Shimadzu XS UPLC Shimadzu Used for rapid method screening and method optimisation
Shimadzu LC40 LC-MS 2020 Shimadzu Impurity identification (integrated with LabSolutions DCS)
Shimadzu GC-MS 2020NX Shimadzu Also has FID detector. Impurity identification (integrated with LabSolutions DCS)
Shimadzu GC OAC6000 Shimadzu GC-FID system for routine sample analysis (integrated with LabSolutions DCS)
Labsolutions Shimadzu Used for GMP chromatography data system
Labware Labware Used for GMP LIMS/ELN
Thermal Screening Unit HEL For identifying thermal and pressure hazards in reaction mixes and raw material liquids and powders
JEOL 400MHz NMR Jeol Equipped with 30 place autosampler – Used for in-house process development, confirmation of structure and assay
ICP-MS Shimadzu Residual metals analysis and ICHQ3D
Agilent 1290 UPLC-QTOF Agilent Equipped with MS/MS capability, with a high-resolution TOF stage with, ability to analyse larger molecular weight compounds such as oligonucleotides
Shimadzu Tm-UV Shimadzu UV instrument with temperature modifying capability to enable analysis of oligonucleotides
Crystallisation, Solid State and Preformulation Parallel Crystalliser – Crystal 16 Technobis Used to build solubility curves. 16 parallel screens in volumes 0.5 – 1.5 mL
Crystalline Technobis Crystallisation process design up to 8 mL with overhead stirring
FTIR Shimadzu Used to confirm the identity of a material and to differentiate between polymorphs
DSC Mettler Toledo Thermal and thermodynamic stability of materials with autosampler
EquaVAP Evaporator EquaVAP Used to evaporate solvent from vials in plates
XRPD Malvern Panalytical Identification of solid state forms
VacMaster Filtration Unit Biotage Used to assess filtrations before scale-up
TGA Mettler Toledo Levels of loosely bound solvent
Hot Stage Microscope Leica Assessment of crystallinity, particle shape and size, and polymorph change at varying temperatures
Microscope Zeiss High resolution assessment of crystallinity, particle shape and size
Lab scale fluid energy mill FPS Used to control the size of seed used in crystallisation studies
Tapped bulk density Anton-Paar Used to assess flowability of powders handled
Malvern 3000 particle sizer Malvern Panalytical Particle size measurements
Stability chambers Camlab Investigational stability of drug substance and drug product
Stability oven Memmert Used to evaluate the stability of API over time under controlled temperature, humidity and light environments
Blaze 900 probe Blaze Used for in-process particle characterisation by imaging and chord length distribution analysis
Radley Reactor-Ready Radley Universal reactor work station with a range of easily interchangeable vessels from 250 mL to 5 L which can be configured to suit the chemistry and scale needed for each project
microDISS Profiler Pion Used to measure the dissolution profiles of API in physilogic media
DVS Intrinsic Plus Surface Measurement Systems Ltd. Gravimetric vapor sorption analyser used to measure the hygroscopicity of a solid
Mya 4 Reaction Station Radley A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling, software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry.
Oligonucleotides PR&D MerMade 12 Oligonucleotide Synthesiser LGC 50 nmol to 200 µmol synthesis scale. Medium throughput synthesier with a 12 column configuration and 20 amidite positions.
ÄKTA OligoSynt™ Cytiva 10 µmol to 12 mmol synthesis scale. Compact, fully automated oligonucleotide synthesizer with broad scale for robust and scalable process development and transfer to manufacturing
Oligonucleotides Analytical Agilent 1290 Infinity II UPLC Agilent
Agilent 1290 Infinity II Prep-LC Agilent
Agilent AdvanceBio 6545XT QToF w/ BioConfirm Agilent
ThermoFisher NanoDrop One-C ThermoFisher

Reach Separations Equipment

Key Equipment Type Brand Comment
Prep chromatography Agilent 1290 Prep LCMS Agilent Mass Direct Gradient Prep System with Open Bed PC
Gilson Prep HPLC with FC Gilson Gradient System with Open Bed FC
Gilson Prep HPLC with FC Gilson Gradient System with Open Bed FC
Gilson Prep HPLC Gilson Gradient System with Valve Collection
Gilson Prep HPLC Gilson Gradient System with Valve Collection
Gilson Prep HPLC Gilson Isocratic System for chiral projects
Gilson Prep HPLC Gilson Isocratic System for chiral projects
Sepiatec Prep100 Sepiatec For small scale chiral projects
Sepiatec Prep100 Sepiatec For small scale chiral projects
Sepiatec Prep100 Sepiatec For small scale chiral projects
Teledyne AccquPrep SFC Teledyne Prep SFC System with Open Bed FC and valve collection
ABSys Prep SFC ABSys Converted HPLC System with Valve collection (for large scale projects)
ABSys Prep SFC ABSys Prep SFC System with Valve collection (for large scale projects)
Berger Multigram II Berger Prep SFC System with Valve collection