At CatSci, we are dedicated to developing economically and environmentally sustainable processes so that our customers can deliver affordable, best-in-class therapeutics to patients worldwide. Green chemistry is something that has always been a core focus for us, and our commitments to sustainability run throughout the business. That includes our HR department; we had a discussion with Seb York, our Talent Lead and Equality & Diversity Champion, about CatSci’s green HR processes, and how sustainability is at the centre of the business in all aspects.
Read on to find out about CatSci’s green HR approaches…
So first of all, can you tell us a little bit more about what green HR means?
Green HR refers to all HR policies, procedures and activities that support CatSci’s pursuit to be more sustainable.
Specifically, why is Green HR important to CatSci?
Sustainability has always been at the core of CatSci’s ethos. We continually assess, review and improve our way of working to minimise the environmental impact of our operations across the business. The green HR approach contributes to CatSci’s ongoing commitment to a greener and more sustainable company.
Can you tell us some of the eco-friendly HR approaches that CatSci takes?
Green activities do not always have to be conducted as big initiatives, as every little step towards sustainability helps. As a HR department, we are moving towards a paper-free approach. Employees’ files are stored electronically, we tend not to use paper interview forms, and our contracts are signed via a secured virtual platform.
Sustainability is an integral part of the business, which is why we are discussing it as early as the interview stage. During the ‘get to know’ part (which is not scored), we try to understand how eco-friendly our recruits are, and what green activities they might be already undertaking in their day-to-day life. This does not mean that we are biased against people with little-to-no green approach; however, by exhibiting a passion for green practices at the entry stage, the workforce is then populated by individuals who expect organisational eco-conscious activities to take place.
Despite the world returning to high-activity levels and traveling becoming easier again, a significant amount of our interviews and assessment centres will remain virtual to minimise the environmental impact of travel.
What are some of the benefits of having an eco-conscious HR?
Sustainability is something that CatSci is passionate about, so having a green HR is integral to our core values. Furthermore, employers can witness several benefits as a result of green HR implementation, including increased employee motivation, engagement, and loyalty. The green HR approach in promoting social responsibility is widely recognised, and a sustainable business is regarded as more appealing. More and more applicants show interest in our green activities across the business, stating that it is one of the unique ‘selling’ points that CatSci offers.
Here at CatSci, we’re always looking to evolve and do better; what are some of the next steps where we can take green HR further in the company?
We are always looking at different ways of advancing our eco activities and improving. Later this year, we are going to introduce a company-wide, eco-friendly competition that will see teams challenging each other to undertake more sustainable activities in their day-to-day life. More details are to be revealed soon!
Other considerations for the future include tree planting and solidifying our partnership with various charities.
Finally, do you have any other comments on CatSci and green HR?
Moves concerning green HR is one of many approaches that CatSci is taking towards a more sustainable future. We all share this planet, and it is important that all businesses and individuals alike do their part. Wales is one of the recycling leaders in the world, and I believe that by having more businesses like CatSci, Wales can become the next green HR champion.
If you’re interested in joining the CatSci team, check out our current job vacancies here.
Read more about CatSci’s sustainability commitments here.